Your Book: Mastering the Hook, Query, and Pitch


Your Book: Mastering the Hook, Query, and Pitch

Get your project noticed even as agents are flooded with more queries and publishers are producing fewer books.


Tuition Assistance and Other Policies

Meeting Times
  1. Sat, 7/29/2023 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Sat, 7/29/2023


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Class, No Prerequisite

Writers' Studio



Agents report they're getting more  proposals than ever, and fewer books are being produced each year. How can you break through the noise?

This class will help you step back and see your fiction or nonfiction work through fresh eyes and a business-based perspective. We’ll identify the things that make your work unique, marketable, and irresistible to publishing gatekeepers. Then, with lots of examples and time for practice and personal feedback, we’ll work on verbal “elevator pitches,” the short hooks that also are great for query letters. We’ll cover the structure of query letters, and cover some tips and tricks for getting an agent or publisher’s attention.

This also is a valuable class for self-publishing writers who want to pitch their books so that readers pay attention.

You will:

1. Be challenged to consider your work from a fresh, detached, commercial perspective.

2. Learn how to condense full-length fiction and nonfiction projects into industry-appropriate 1- to 2-page synopses, and identify compelling “hooks” that make great verbal pitches and query letter descriptions.

3. Gain a realistic understanding of what publishers and agents are looking for in new authors, including author platforms, compelling concepts, and connections to existing popular trends

Class Policies

Ages 14 and up are welcome. 

BARN Policies

Instructors or Guides

Beth Jusino

Beth Jusino is a publishing consultant for both traditional and self-publishing authors, with almost 20 years of experience helping writers navigate the complicated space between manuscript and final book. A former literary agent and marketing director, she’s the author of the award-winning "The Author’s Guide to Marketing" and has ghostwritten or collaborated on half a dozen additional titles. Beth is a member of the Northwest Independent Editors Guild, a regular speaker for Seattle Public Library’s #SeattleWrites workshops, and has taught at writers’ conferences across the country. Visit her online at or on Twitter @bethjusino.

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