The Plot Thickens: Incorporating the Elements of Mystery Into Any Genre With A.C. Fuller
Led by accomplished author A.C. Fuller, this workshop reveals how to turn any story into an unputdownable page-turner
Tuition Assistance and Other Policies
Meeting Times
- Sat, 10/21/2023 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Sat, 10/21/2023
Using examples from best-selling literary fiction, mysteries, fantasy, and even memoirs, you’ll learn professional techniques for weaving compelling mystery and suspense into your book, regardless of genre.
In the class we will:
- Discuss how to incorporate the mystery novel structure into non-mystery genres, such as literary fiction, memoir, sci-fi, and fantasy
- Study the use of the elements of mystery in wildly different award-winning and best-selling books, such as: "The Round House" by Louise Erdrich, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone" by J.K. Rowling, and "Dreams from My Father" by Barack Obama
- Learn to ask questions both big and small to keep readers intrigued
- Talk about how to craft clues, red herrings, plot twists, and cliffhangers for maximum intrigue
"Mystery is a whisper, not a shout." - Kate Atkinson
Class Policies
- Ages 14 and up are welcome
BARN Policies
- View BARN's Cancellation and Refund Policy.
- Tuition Assistance is available. Fill out the application before registering.
- BARN is committed to accessibility. We try to make accommodations when requested; the earlier you contact us, the more likely we can help. Please email accessibility@bainbridgebarn.org to find out more or request an accommodation.
- Sensory Statement: Makerspaces like BARN can be noisy and cluttered, smell strongly, and have bright or flickering lights.
Instructors or Guides
Adam Fuller
To find his Pacific Northwest mystery series: ddblackauthor.com
To find his media thrillers: www.acfuller.com
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