Introduction to Printmaking

Print & Book Arts

Introduction to Printmaking

Explore printmaking through a variety of mediums and experiment with color, layers, and unique processes.


Tuition Assistance and Other Policies

Meeting Times
  1. Sat, 7/22/2023 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  2. Sun, 7/23/2023 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sat, 7/22/2023 - Sun, 7/23/2023


See additional date options »

Class, No Prerequisite

Print & Book Arts Studio



Gain foundational knowledge of printmaking and the unique qualities of a few printmaking mediums – based on your interest and those of the class. Students are encouraged to tie their own interests and passions into their designs, and some templates will be provided to help kick-start ideas. As mediums are introduced, you will be given the freedom to spend time on whatever is most exciting to you.


  • Registration closes July 17.
  • Bring a lunch. BARN has a refrigerator and microwave on the lower level.
  • The $20 materials fee, included in the cost of the class, covers all materials needed.

Class Policies

  • Ages 14 and up are welcome.

BARN Policies

Instructors or Guides

Greyson Lee

Greyson Lee is a high school art educator with a background in color and design theory, traditional 2D art, and printmaking; as well as summer camps, horseback riding instruction, and environmental ed. He has a love of exploration and experimentation in the classroom, and strives to make learning meaningful, student-driven, and fun.

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