Tuning Up Japanese Chisels and Planes


Tuning Up Japanese Chisels and Planes *Cancelled*


Tuition Assistance and Other Policies

Tue, 3/19/2024 - Thur, 3/21/2024


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Class, Has Prerequisite

Woodworking & Small Boatbuilding Studio

Hand Woodworking, Hand Woodworking


Well-tuned planes and razor-sharp blades are keys to creating the silky-smooth surfaces and intricate joinery so prized in Japanese-style woodworking.

Day 1: Learn how to sharpen Japanese chisels and plane blades using water stones —  working by hand, without a honing guide.

Day 2: Learn how to adjust a Japanese-styyle plane. Use a scraper blade to condition the wooden base and a Japanese-style hammer to adjust the depth and angle of the cut.

Each day, there will be time for practice cuts and help in troubleshooting any problems.


  • BARN will supply the tools and water stones needed for this class.
  • You are also welcome to bring your own Japanese chisels and planes to work on. If your tools have not already been set up for use, there probably will not be enough time in this class to get them fully functional and well tuned. The instructor will discuss the necessary steps with you, however, and if you do that work between the two sessions, they should be in good shape by the end of the class.


Class Policies

  • Ages 14 and up are welcome.
  • You must wear safety glasses and closed-toe shoes. We recommend bringing your own safety glasses.
  • If you are tuning up tools that haven't been set up before, there probably will not be enough time in this class to get them fully functional and well tuned. The instructor will discuss the necessary steps with you, however, and if you do that work between the two sessions, they should be in good shape by the end of the class. There is an open studio on Wednesday from 9 am to 3 pm. Use of the shop during these times is free for members. Non-members can also use the shop during open studio without an additional charge while completing a class project.

BARN Policies

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