High-Stakes Storytelling with Maureen McQuerry


High-Stakes Storytelling with Maureen McQuerry *Cancelled*

Learn how to use conflict and tension to fuel your character's emotional journey.


Tuition Assistance and Other Policies

Sat, 7/20/2024


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Writers' Studio

Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir


As writers, we long to hook our readers’ hearts as well as their minds. That happens when we realize that at its core, every story is a survival story. Together we’ll discover how conflict and tension fuel a character’s emotional journey and keep readers engrossed until the very end. Using examples from current literature, we’ll discuss techniques to strengthen your story’s emotional core, hook readers' hearts, and identify the one thing every powerful story has in common.


  • You will be asked to participate in short writing exercises, which are optional.
  • Come to class with the seed of a story you’ve always wanted to write, opening pages, or – better yet – a work in progress.

Class Policies

Ages 14 and up are welcome.

BARN Policies

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